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Thursday, December 22, 2011

{{{Last Night}}}


Last night r family went to a candle light service that r friend invited us to at her church.
It was really nice... it was about an hour or a little more long. It had lots of nice music, and afterwards everyone went to the fellowship hall for snacks and things.

Is everyone excited about Christmas as much as I am??!! I'm really excited. I have 1 present left to get, and it's for my dad. I AM SO BEHIND!! I am going to try to get him something TODAY, or if not, I'll probably make him something : )

Before I close, I'll tell u guys about a couple books and a few movies that I've enjoyed this year, and would recommend...

First of all,

'Hello Love' by Chris Tomlin... I would recommend it pretty much only if u play the piano, and if u r an advanced player. Because it's an advanced piano book. BUT it's GREAT!!

Pretty much any Elizabeth George (these are really all books for girls) books. I have "A Young Women After God's Heart- A Teen's Guide to Friends, Faith, Family and the Future."
It's GREAT, and I would highly recommend it to any teen girl!!

Now, I'll talk about movies....

1."Courageous" is one of the best movies I've ever seen. I would say it's for the whole family pretty much, but there might be some sequences that are pretty dramatic or violent. But our whole family watched it at the theatre and it was great.

2. "Soul Surfer" I LOVE THIS MOVIE is pretty much all I can say!! It is the true story about Bethany Hamilton who lost her arm in a shark attack when she was 13 years old. It's a great movie about her life before and after the shark attack. I would definitely recommend it!

3. "Fireproof" This is a great movie made by the same ppl that did "Courageous"... It's not really a family movie (not that it wouldn't be one that a whole family could watch), but it's about marriage and divorce. But I would still recommend it if you haven't seen it.

Well, I've gotta go now!! Hope u enjoyed : )

<3 Isabelle <3


meena said...

great job! love it! and can u c my 2 new blogs? they're called monster high sleepover and vanilla scented. the blog addresses r, and also! thx!

Isabelle Renee said...

Glad u like it!! SURE!! ABSOLUTELY, I'll go check 'em out now!!