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Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day


How was everyone's father's day? Our's was great! I had a great time with my dad : )
In the morning, we went to this church, and afterwards we went to the mall. We have a really nice big mall, so it was fun to walk the whole length of it yesterday!

We ate lunch at the mall, then dad brought us girls to Starbucks, and we got our specialty drinks : ) lol.

Then, after we got home, dad brought us to the pool... it was sooo refreshing!
After that, we went to the store to pick up some stuff. While dad was in the store, we stayed in the car. It was funny, cause when we were in the parking lot, my friend and her dad pulled up right beside our car : ) it was fun : D

Here's a pic from Valentine's Day... I was really sick, so I think my face was kinda swollen! : )
Well, sorry it's so short, but I gotta go!

<3 Isabelle <3

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